This is the website of (part of d2 Onderdelen)
Our company address is Nobelweg 4 to 22A, 4462 GK Goes, the Netherlands
Our postal address is P464, 4460 AW Goes, the Netherlands
Our registration number at the Chamber of Commerce 67723330
Our number is VAT. NL8571.49.489.B01
At each visit to our website our web server automatically recognizes your domain name and not your email address. When you visit our website, we do not keep any information.
The information is only used internally and is not passed to other organizations for commercial purposes.
Personal data are only used for the processing of orders and are not passed to other organizations for commercial purposes.
How to contact us regarding our privacy policy?
If you wish to comment on our privacy policy, please contact us
- By email: [email protected]
- By phone: 0031113212810
- By letter to this address:
Our postal address:
4460 AW Goes
the Netherlands
Communication by email
If you do not wish to receive emails from our company, please contact us at the above address.
Communication by letter
If you send us your postal address on the web, you will only receive the information you requested to the address you have given us.
Communication by telephone
If you give us your telephone number via the web, our company will only call you if necessary to inform you about the orders you have placed online.
If you do not want to receive addressed advertising and / or commercial phone calls, please notify us via the website of the Foundation Infofilter:
Our company may use consumer information for new purposes that have not been included in our "privacy policy". In that case, we will contact you before using your data for these new purposes to notify you of changes to our regulations for the protection of personal data and give you the chance to offer to refuse participation .
Upon request we provide visitors to our site to access all the information we maintain about them. If you wish to access this information, please contact us at the above address.
Upon request we offer visitors the opportunity to correct information that we maintain about them, correct. If you wish to correct your personal information, please contact us at the above address.
If you find that our site does not comply with our privacy policy, please contact our company at the above address.